Thoughts on Faith, Fatherhood and Creativity.
Evangel-athe-ism2/5/2015 It’s ironic - even a little idiotic - but I think, the most religious person I know is an atheist And I can already hear the objections to that sentiment The crowd switch-off, the flare-up of ‘faith vs. evidence’! But try to stay with me - this may be relevant whether you’re a ‘right-wing evangelical’ a ‘progressive intellectual’ or a ‘lefty vegan’ smoking the botanical I’m not a fan of the labels - trust me; I try to avoid them (Can’t we just agree we’re all human, and we’re all kind of annoying?) But I do find it funny that my friend, a Facebook activist atheistic strategist, trying to save the world with surprisingly violent words for a pacifist loves to remind me how backwards my passion is He’s a university student; he’s doing an arts degree (So we’ve got something in common; I’ve got an arts degree) But if you’re asking me - doesn’t matter if you’ve got an arts degree or a PhD in some form of scientific mastery Either way, you can still a bastard, be. Don’t take that as an accusation I just have some simple observations the same temptation for self-righteous proclamation and broad, sweeping condemnation can be wielded by every variation of information interpretation We all want to be right, right? We all want to lift our hands or fall to our knees sing, pray, preach, proselytise, lecture gather in conferences, forums, theatres rejoice and lament about the wonder and the agony and the mystery, of it all. about Higgs Bosons, protons, photons, the complex language of DNA the injustice of all the pain the hope of a tomorrow better than today! Surely these impulses are as human as believing you’re the ant the universe revolves around? But religion is a funny concept with myriad meanings Did you know Jesus seemed to only fight with religious leaders? Did you know every university textbook was written by someone, or some crew as grand and flawed as me and you? Did you know first-class academics have been in favour of eugenics and beautiful work has been done by ‘uneducated peasants’? Did you not know that all the boxes break? We’re all a little messy, a little religious a little pretentious a little evangelical a little lost a little in need of comfort a little in need of restraint I’m not a fan of the labels - trust me, I try to avoid them Can we just agree we’re all human, and we’re all kind of annoying? Beautiful, frustrating, growing children asking question after question thinking with our stomach, our scratches, our exhaustion trying to sneak in a bite when we get in a fight crying for a parent to intervene because our knees are bruised. So, how about we put ourselves aside for a moment dress each other’s wounds make some fairy-bread and play in the streets again.
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