Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 My son has enormous brown eyes smooth, plump cheeks, and a little button chin that can melt your heart like butter in the microwave When you blow raspberries in his neck his giggles spill over like a waterfall and your melted-butter-heart explodes with joy My son has fresh eyes for the world a wide, open heart and I cannot tell him how much I love him cannot kiss, cuddle, tickle, snuggle-the-poop out of him anywhere near enough I have an abundance of that weird, want-to-squeeze-and-use-naughty-words-to-describe-the-intensity-of-my-love kind of love (You know the one right?) My son also has a blood curdling stomach churning brain deafening wild banshee scream with sharp, prickly edges that can endure, repeat and build in intensity for small windows of forever
September 2023