Thoughts on Faith, Fatherhood and Creativity.
My secrets to starting well (including the recipe for 'Will & Noah's kick-ass green smoothie')4/1/2018 Well, it's officially a few days into 2018.
I'm not big on New Year's resolutions - given their tendency to lean towards super unrealistic, guilt-laden goals rather than the steady forming of small habits that can lead to lasting change, BUT having said that, I do love beginnings. (I'm a 7 on the enneagram* - basically meaning I get PUMPED about starting things...even if I struggle a little more at the finishing end). It can be daunting thinking about how you 'begin a year', but it's a lot easier to think about how you begin the simple gift that is the day before you. So, here are my personal 'secret ingredients' for starting the day well. I don't always get to do each of these, but I definitely notice the difference on the days I do.
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For Part 1, click here.
For Pt.2, click here Choices and opinions. They are riddled throughout the path towards parenting, and seem to exist in every moment once you arrive. Disposable vs cloth, breast vs bottle, prams vs wraps, pink vs blue. Categories
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